miércoles, 27 de julio de 2016

Perfect Couple

So much for equality! Couples are more likely to divorce if the husband does half the domestic chores 
Study finds couples who split housework 50/50 are 50 per cent more likely to break up 
Experts say 'modern' couples who share housework have less respect for marriage.
Attention married men, here’s the perfect excuse to put your feet up – sharing housework can lead to divorce.
Research has suggested that the more chores a man does, the more likely the couple will split.
The survey of couples found that while most were happy to share childcare, the women still did the lion’s share of the housework most of the time.

Domestic bliss? Research suggests divorce rates are higher among couple where men share housework
And in 11 per cent of cases, the women did almost all of it.
When the man finally did do his bit, things seemed to go wrong.
The divorce rate among those who shared chores equally was about 50 per cent higher than among those where the woman did most of it, the study by the Norwegian government found.

Equality: Research suggests the more a man helps out at home the more likely the couple will split
‘You can easily get into squabbles if both have the same roles and one has the feeling that the other is not pulling their weight.’

However, the reason for survey’s results could lie in modern attitudes towards marriage.

Sociologist Dr Frank Furedi said chore-sharing tends to take place among professional couples, where divorce rates are high.

Their more formal, ‘contractual’-style attitude towards marriage can make for a fraught relationship, he added.

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